Jesus however, is not presented as a sexual object (neither to be an
object of our desire, nor as a subject who felt desire). Naked Jesus
symbolizes the power of the incarnation, the undoing of the stain of
our original sin (thank you very much, Augustine), a perfect hypostatic
union of God and Man. God made Flesh, made manifest.
Yes. We are all created in the image of God. Male and female, God
created us. Then God became flesh and dwelt among us. Sexuality is part
of being human.
Women’s lives are tied to their bodies, for better or worse. Can
they produce children or not? Are they beautiful or not? Are they pure
or unclean? Jesus too is sexualized and desexualized with the fashions
of the times. But, I believe Jesus sees, knows and loves us all as
fully-human natural women.
I can still hope for a day when ministers can wear mini-skirts, when
we’re not defined by our wombs and breasts and need not fear being
barren, when women no longer need to beat their breasts for the sins of
the world. Jesus, you with us?
go read the rest