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August 02, 2004



thursday, september 23rd works for me (but i am flexible if anyone else needs that date and needs me to switch, k?)

jen lemen

sounds great!


Tuesdays or Thursdays are much easier for me, as I'm pretty tightly scheduled at work all day on Wednesdays. Can I possibly switch with somebody? Maybe Bobbie could do Wednesday, 9/15? Let me know if that's okay.


wednesdays are my worst, but if it was during the day, instead of the evening i could. let me know, k?

ps - could you remove 'wager' from my name - that is my mom's real name (my maiden) and it's a bit too close for searching in case some promo goes out that i won't know about i would prefer it just to say 'bobbie' or emergingsideways if that's okay?? thanks!


I can do 9/15 instead of 9/17, if that would work better for you Christy. Just let me know.


Any chance of listing me by the name of the blog instead of my personal name? Not a huge deal, but since it's a blog for a book I'd rather use "U2 Sermons" on the 1st, if that's OK by you...


noticed andrew (tsk) has linked here to this blog. i thought it was supposed to be more private?? anyone else under that impression??


My date works for me.

Jessica Fabienne

Hallo you! Great site. I found exactly the information I was looking for. I will recommendyou page to all my friends.


hi all new video Ann Angel

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