i like to walk. not just as a mode of transportation. but as an avenue for discovery.
cities are my favorite places to walk. there is the buzz of the street, the cadence of waiting for the light to change, the noticable shifts as one neighborhood gives way to another, then another, then another.
when I worked in San Francisco, I'd walk most days from our office in the South of Market area to Grace Cathedral, which stands atop the highest hill in San Francisco.
there was some unique joy in walking up to this building - seeing its spire, watching it come into total recognition, entering its enormous doorway.
walking thru life can be tough. some neighborhoods are tougher than others, some hill harder to climb. i notice, even in the toughest of times, how much that walking leads me to thing discovered or re-discovered in my life.
is this available on The Walking Dead megavideo? if this is available i want to have it.
Posted by: watch Walking dead Season 2 Episode 1 megavideo | Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at 05:47 AM
walking thru life can be tough. some neighborhoods are tougher than others, some hill harder to climb. i notice, even in the toughest of times, how much that walking leads me to thing discovered or re-discovered in my life.
Posted by: cheap cycling clothing | Tuesday, May 17, 2011 at 01:24 AM
Walking can be a wonderful time for reflection and meditation! A time when the senses can come alive to all that's around you. I treasure my walks, especially when they are in solitude, when I can just enjoy and savor each passing moment of the present and reflect on the memories and insights that pop into my head.
I wrote recently about a walk I took, would love to share it with you : http://ascendingthehills.blogspot.com/2011/02/blessed-discomforts.html
~many blessings
Posted by: Jessica Mokrzycki | Wednesday, March 02, 2011 at 07:34 AM