Nicodemus showed up in churches yesterday, with this reading. he is the type of character in sacred texts i really like - he asks questions, he pushes, he wrestles with G_d.
Jesus tells Nicodemus about being born again or from above for a new womb - Nicodemus replies
How can these things be ?
As in:
What do you mean by this?
How does this happen ?
What Jesus says is so often out of this world. not out of this world like tasting great BBQ and exclaiming it is out this world.
I mean out of this world as in weird.
I live in a town that prizes weird, so I can usually run with the weirdest of them.
But much of what I hear in Lent about the sayings of Jesus strikes me as weird. Like Nicodemus, I need the Cliff Notes, I need it repeated.
Honestly, I'd prefer a savior who is a little less weird.
Scott Berkun is a writer I really, really like. He helps remind me about weird:
They told Van Gogh he used too much paint, and Englebart that the mouse was pointless. Galileo and Copernicus were called heretics for seeing the world for what it was. Dylan and Guthrie were told they couldn’t sing and that they had nothing to say. DaVinci’s helicopters and Tesla’s radio waves stayed in notebooks for years, as the ideas were too weird for ordinary minds to understand.
Most great ideas seem weird at first.
Finding a means to reduce transportation costs while still ensuring that customers have access to a brewery's offerings is important.
Posted by: wine packaging | Wednesday, May 04, 2011 at 01:16 AM
it is never too late to be what you might have been
Jesus had no regrets- He did it all
Posted by: george elliott...with commentary | Monday, March 21, 2011 at 08:38 PM