Adam Moore has worked with a bunch of folks to coordinate a Texas tour for that theological trickster Pete Rollins:

image from paman_1000
Pete Rollins is a freelance philosophy lecturer and writer who specializes in various aspects of continental philosophy, phenomenology and emerging church theology. He is part of the experimental collective iKon in Ireland.
If your schedule allows, make a point to join in as Pete travels down & the back up I-35:
Thursday (Feb 12) at 3:30pm
- event at Baylor (Waco) co-sponsored by the Baylor Center for Jewish Studies and Emergent Waco.
- will take place in Marrs McLean Science Building, Room 137 (directions)
- also, if you're on Facebook, please sign up for the event (link)
- contact me with questions
Saturday (Feb 14) at 10:00am
- event at Journey Imperfect Faith Community in Austin
- all day event (10am-3pm)
- contact Terry Zimmerman with any questions ([email protected])
- check out the Facebook event for more info (link)
Sunday (Feb 15) at 10:00am
- event at St. Mark's Episcopal Church in San Antonio
- all day event (10am-3:30pm)
- contact Jonathan Wickham with any questions ([email protected])
- check out the Facebook event for more info (link)
Monday (Feb 16) at 6:00pm
- void collective event in Waco - Peter Rollins as special guest
- 520 Austin Ave, Waco Texas (map)
the void collective is a group inspired by the Ikon community in
Belfast, Northern Ireland, which was started by Peter Rollins.
Excellent post. Really praiseworthy. Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: renamer | Sunday, December 05, 2010 at 04:16 AM
Hi, great tour schedule. Sorry I didn't make it. I missed alot.
Posted by: legitimate paid surveys | Monday, August 23, 2010 at 04:50 PM
Your link to the Sunday event doesn't work...requires an MS Exchange login.
Be good to see you on's been a while.
Posted by: john chandler | Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 09:00 AM