In most places, school is back in session, with all the energy, anxiety and new life that goes with classes starting.
Teaching students is among the most meaningful vocations I know of. When I think of the many teachers I know, I am struck by how much I admire these women & men for their daily work in shaping lives. This year is particularly challenging, as this NYT piece Hard Times Hitting Students and Schools describes.
A close friend, Jon Dahlander, happens to be spokesperson for Dallas ISD. He shared this video with me - 10 year old Dalton Sherman speaking in front of 17,000 teachers at a big beginning-of-school pep rally.
It is in my thoughts for all who work with students:
Teaching students is among the most meaningful vocations I know of. When I think of the many teachers I know, I am struck by how much I admire these women & men for their daily work in shaping lives.
Posted by: guanacaste costa rica real estate | Tuesday, July 27, 2010 at 09:24 PM