I've realized that my soul sorta looks like this right now:
The straight white line I grew up depending on has long since been painted over by journeys taken & trip that seemed to cross-cross churchianity. What seemed like a clear path in my 20s, like asphalt laid, became some type of canvass painted by a highway worker who wishes she could be Pollock or mutant fractals.
Two external forces blew at me during my journeys - the advent of megachurches and the use of churchinaity to sell things (eventually to sell a Presidency). I was reminded of the power of these two forces when Isaw Tim Oren's post Burke's Law of Metadynamics, when he quotes James "Connections" Burke :
Systems dump excess energy in the form of structure.
Oren unpacks this:
It essentially says that a system operating in surplus won't stay so, but instead will act to build up its own structure at the expense of the surplus.
In most faith settings, this excess energy - the power derived from transformation - too often gets distilled in doctrine, roles & organizational forms. As fallible people, this is pretty understandable - as creatures made in God's very image, this seems like a denial of our very being.
I am listening right now, rather than swerving from left to right, rather than gunning engine. So much of what I am listening to can be scary - the glory God has made me for, the limits I set on God and the community I live in, the shift in life that takes place when practices are faithed.
Well, I guess God has made that a scary purpose. I guess we should respect whatever entity has gotten to that.
Posted by: plumbing supplies | Saturday, October 29, 2011 at 12:06 AM