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Saturday, October 20, 2007


bob carlton

great question, gavin

truth be told, i thought the conversation transcended the format. i am NOT a fan of slick packaging or of talking heads or even moderated panels

what I DID think was that it was important that there were many people & that a sense of safety was being stretched towards


do we need to say it in a "view" type format? &:~)


Yup, you are right...we do get to say that in church...I believe that deeply now...I didn't always...I guess partly because I didn't think God was a big boy and he could take care of himself...you know, that he needed me and others to man the mute button on 7 second delay...also partly because I had this mistrust of the divine spark in all of creation to be able to sort the sort stuff between the recycling bin and the garbage can...Then I spent a lot of years working with kids who needed wrestling with truth and lies to be able to think for themselves and embrace something because it was worthy of embracing and not just because they were told...and I thought...we're all growing up...so yes...we do get to say that in church...thanks for reminding me...



thanks for the mention. let's put each other on our blogrolls?

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